We developed the animated film for the cultural competition for students promoted by the Sicoob Institute. With the theme “A School that Cooperates Makes a Better Future”, our group of friends shows that with everyone's help we can transform the world around us.
[PT BR] - Desenvolvemos o filme de animação para o concurso cultural para estudantes promovido pelo Instituto Sicoob. Com o tema “Escola que Coopera Faz um Futuro Melhor”, nossa turma de amigos mostra que com a ajuda de todos podemos transformar o mundo a nossa volta.
[PT BR] - Desenvolvemos o filme de animação para o concurso cultural para estudantes promovido pelo Instituto Sicoob. Com o tema “Escola que Coopera Faz um Futuro Melhor”, nossa turma de amigos mostra que com a ajuda de todos podemos transformar o mundo a nossa volta.
We received from the client some initial guidelines that the film should take place in the children's school and that together they could collaborate on a project that would transform the school and the community. The main idea is to show that together we can achieve more.
Client: Instituto Sicoob
Campaing: Escola que Coopera
Production: Studio Casanova
Illustration: Leandro Cunha, Mario Gushiken
Production Manager: Fernando Alan
Audio: Silence
Client: Instituto Sicoob
Campaing: Escola que Coopera
Production: Studio Casanova
Illustration: Leandro Cunha, Mario Gushiken
Production Manager: Fernando Alan
Audio: Silence
Thank's for watching :)